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Friday, November 24, 2006

The Secret

Last night I saw The Secret, a documentary movie that claims to tell you about the secret to all success in your life and that how all the great thinkers in the world, from Einstein to Plato were in the know and for a low price of 10 bucks or so you could be too. I downloaded the movie off Bittorrent and fully encourage everybody to do as well. Not because the movie is a complete waste of money, many of its ideas are decent, but because it bastardizes science in an unacceptable way and I'd rather not see that supported.

The movie is in the same vein as What the Bleep Do We Know and I think its makers probably saw that one and it occurred to them that they could make a lot of money by combining some facts with a lot of hokey stuff and promising the world. The cinematography and CGI is similar and some of the people being interviewed are the same as well. It seems Quantum Physics is the snake oil of the 21st century, there were two quantum physicists there to reassure us that even if we did not understand anything, there was science backing all their assertions. There weren't any truly whacked out people like Ramtha in WTBDWK though. Both the physicists in this movie also appear in WTBDWK. They do interview people with titles like 'Visionary', and 'Metaphysician' which I didn't know existed in real life. I wonder if their main job in life is to appear in jokes like 'I never metaphysician who was academically rigorous'.

The 'secret' in movie, and I'll let it out since it isn't that much of a secret, is what they call the 'Law of Attraction' . That is, you attract what you imagine. Thus, if you think about, say, getting out of debt, then you actually attract more debt since the you are attracting that by imagining it. Some truth to it, but not as much as they would like to believe. It is true, and believable, that going after things you want is more effective than going away from things you don't want. Also, that your subconscious mind does not understand negatives so putting things in positive terms is a better way to create a reality in your mind. What I don't believe is that putting things in a positive way, somehow invokes quantum mechanics in such a way that the cosmos gets together and presents you with the Lear Jet that you were fantasizing about.


William P said...

Consciousness causes collapse!!! (Or not.)

But anyway, quantum immortality would surprise me a lot less than, say, anything in Christianity being true. I.e. if I were going to kill myself in a near-certain way (which I'm not), then I'd be much less surprised if some amazingly freakish series of events somehow kept me alive, than I would be to face Christian heaven.

Anonymous said...

That I would agree with, except the chances of you facing Christian heaven even in the unlikely case of it existing :).

William P said...

Haha, good point!