Weight log

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Shymeet 2007

So the long awaited shymeet took place in Media, PA last weekend. Kim and Nick were wonderful hosts and provided accomodations for everyone and kept the alcohol flowing freely. I was, surprisingly, the first one to arrive, and then we all went to pick up urz at the airport. Urz arrived in style with a police escort which made it rather easy to spot him. Not too long after Jamison joined us and then catsup came by. Urz had brought his juggling balls and some tropical malady along with him.
Later in the day we went to Dave and Buster's where Larkin joined us. Next day Marsha joins us and single handedly ups the energy of the group considerably. She introduces letterboxing to us and that's what we do.

Once the letterboxing was over, Marsha showed us how to make a whistle using an acorn cap. Not to be outdone, urz then shows us how to make music with a vagina. Marsha tried to do the same but found that her vagina was too shallow to get the rich tones that urz was able to obtain with his. The rest of the time was spent playing mini-golf and then later that night in a drunken debauchery. More pics can be found here.


yam said...

Sounds like fun.

The last shymeet I went to ended well before we had a chance to put boxes in forests or engage in any form of debauchery.

I'll have to try the shymeet thing again some day.

William P said...

Back when I was a kid, such meets used to be about psychotic dudes meeting women for the first time, and layers upon layers of hidden sexual tensions leading to months of online strife and broken hearts and dreams.

Unknown said...

Looks like fun! Wish I could have been there.