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Monday, May 14, 2007

Things not-so-easy to parody

Yesterday I was driving back from Pittsburgh and station surfing on the radio and I listened to one which sounded like a parody of a Christian radio station. There was a guy in a deep southern accent going on and on about how he had to do projects in school and while other people did stuff in science which required them to read lots of books all he had to do was buy a Holy Bible and once a year buy a LA Times paper to document all the 'sins of the flesh' in the modern world. It sounded fun the way he was going on about all that and then a commercial break came and all the ads for churches started and I realized that it wasn't a parody or anything, it was the real thing.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Lousy Day

I am going to complain about a day that deserves to be complained about.

Today was one of those days which is exhausting. Not the kind of exhausting where you have just accomplished something and can relax and look back at it, the kind of exhausting where all your resources, emotional and physical, have been drained, you have tried every option you knew of and some you didn't and you are still at square one.

I had replaced the distributor on a pickup truck. Now the timing was off so the engine wouldn't start. I had been assured it was almost right so I just had to turn it a little and it should be good to go. Apparently, that was easier said than done. I am sure the more astute members here will pick up something about the age of my truck from the aforementioned information. Anyway, it was well and truly stuck so it did not work. Taking it out took the better part of 5 hours. Then I followed the directions in a Chilton's to a T trying to put things back correct. Do tat all, and it almost, barely, imperceptibly started but no. So I turned it a little, and no response. A couple of hours of fighting with it and nothing. Just a dead truck and a beautiful sunset.